Friday, November 11, 2011

Cleaning up the clutter.

Clutter is destructive. And it isn't always a physical clutter. Clutter can seep into all aspects of your life. Your physical space, your mind, your habits, your actions.

Recently I've been making an effort to "de-clutter" my life. I was sitting in church listening to a sermon, and something that the pastor said just triggered something inside me (darn it when pastors are good at what they do!) I realized that I've let myself get comfortable in my bad habits, my laziness, and my stress. Instead of dealing with these things in a responsible, healthy manner, I let myself say "ah, forget it", and slip into a state of indifference.

So, a couple of weeks ago I decided to sit down and make a list. I called it my "Steps to a healthier, happier life". And, as nerdy as it might sound, I posted that list beside my bed so I would be reminded as I go to sleep and as I wake up that clutter is no longer an option in my life.

I won't say that I've completely accomplished all the things on my list. And I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I think it's a process. I think it's a journey.

One thing I will say is that I HAVE started to notice a difference already. I set up a "Devotions corner" in my (already tiny) apartment (which made me de-clutter). I've made a conscious effort to turn off my computer/cell phone/tv for an hour every night and spend some time reading, reflecting and praying. I've also started to cook more. Eating healthier just makes you feel better. Seriously, if you don't believe me...just try it! I've started reading more, walking more, and talking to friends more instead of resorting to the TV as constant company. I've made more of an effort to get out of my "hole" and see people. Like I said, it's been small steps, but steps in the right direction.

So, I encourage nerdy as it might seem, if you feel your life is cluttered, make a list! Ask me how mine's going. Be honest with yourself. Don't take on too much. Oh, and get a hobby! :)

Peace and Love friends.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Really good Anna. I can probably use this in my own life. Thanks.