Monday, November 14, 2011

Enjoying the small things...

I try to be a positive person. Sometimes...I fail.
Currently, however, there are a few things which are keeping me positive. I'm really trying hard to stay focused on the little things, and not worry so much about bigger scarier things down the road (Not always an easy task).

So, here is a short list of things which are currently keeping a smile on my face, and a peace in my heart (in no particular order):

Conversations and hang outs with good friends: I've had the opportunity in the last little while to hang out with some great people. It's been lovely. I sometimes find I miss that community I had in University, so it's been great to reconnect with some old friends.

Placement: I really have found what I want to do. I LOVE working with children, especially the preschool age. They are adorable, unpredictable, impressionable, and oh so innocent.
Conversation overheard last week:
J- "I'm 3 and a half now" (huge smile on his face)
K- "Oh man..I'd HATE to be 3!"
Teacher-" turned 4 A MONTH AGO".
Gotta love it!

Harvest Bible Chapel. Okay, well, I haven't actually MET anyone from Harvest, but I HAVE loved the sermon series they are doing right now. "The New Normal". The sermon this week was on perspective. Exactly what I needed. Take a look for yourself, read Galatians 6: 7-10. Great perspective!

Pinterest: I know, I know. If you've hung out with me AT ALL in the last month I'm sure you've heard me mention this website. That's probably because IT'S AWESOME. I've found so many good ideas for school, home, style, cooking. I feel so domestic when I actually use ideas I've found :). Check it out, but also beware: It's addictive.\
You've been warned.

C.S. Lewis. I'm just loving him and all his insight lately. It makes me happy. One quote that struck me recently was this:
"I think that if God forgives us we must forgive ourselves. Otherwise it is almost like setting ourselves up as a higher tribunal than Him."
—Letters of C.S. Lewis (1951)

I have loads to say about this, maybe I'll write a blog about it one day :)

This website: Simply fantastic.

This band...Which I found on the above website :)


And lastly.. Avocado. Like I said, the small things :)

Peace and Love friends, enjoy the small things!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Great blog again! I love CS Lewis too so inspirational. Loved the quote you used.